All tutorials will take place on July 6th, 2009 in three parallel tracks.
There has been much research and commercial work in recent years on applications using complex event processing systems. However, although there are several tens of descriptions of event processing use cases, those applications have been targeting very different domains and have been described only superficially or at incomparable levels of detail. We believe that the lack of a set of clearly described event processing use cases reduces clarity regarding the area, and reduces research and product acceptance. To counter this trend, the EPTS started a Use Cases WorkGroup (UCWG) on November 2007 with the goal of collecting, classifying, understanding, detailing, and disclosing event processing use cases. This tutorial will present the templates completed so far, and will provide very detailed descriptions of four event processing use cases as well as common trends and variations to those use cases seen in other use cases. Special emphasis is placed on challenging issues that push the state-of-the-art and real-life applications and issues.
Pedro G. Bizarro Pedro is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra
(2006-present) were he leads BiCEP, a 5-student research project
addressing issues of event processing benchmarking, performance,
scalability and Internet integration. Pedro worked and is interested
on adaptive query processing, data stream systems, and virtualization.
Pedro, a Fulbright Fellow (2001-2006), is also an Associate Visiting
Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, a consultant for
Evolve Space Solutions, and a Marie Curie EC Fellow.
Dieter Gawlick is architect
at Oracle. He architected the first messaging system fully integrated into a database and was a key contrib
utor to Oracle's integration and sensor technologies. Dieter's current focus is leveraging and evolving database technologies to accelerate the evolution of event processing. Additionally, Dieter works on database
support for long running transactions. Dieter was a key contributor in the development of high end database
and transaction systems.
Thomas Paulus is a PhD student at the University of Regensburg and works as an IT consultant for the Center for Information Technology-Transfer (CITT) on various BPM projects, currently for the BPM software development company jCOM1 AG and for the global investor service provider CACEIS. In addition, he has been deeply involved in various projects for a wide variety of customers especially in retail trade over the past years. Thomas contributed to the development of the new field of Event-Driven Business Process Management (ED-BPM) for several conferences (e.g. DEBS 08 in Rome, NESSI ServiceWave 08 in Madrid or SSOKU09 in Brussels). Thomas is currently supporting the preparation for a major project for the European Commission in the field of ED-BPM and is developing ED-BPM-oriented use cases especially for fraud management in retail trade. Furthermore, Thomas worked onsite at the IBM Haifa Research Labs on a publication about existing and future standards for ED-BPM-based applications.
Harvey Reed joined MITRE and started supporting GCSS-AF (Global Combat Support
System-Air Force), a large shared security and infrastructure effort, in 2004.
He was Chief Engineer for GCSS-AF from 2005-2008. He led the delivery for a
number of firsts in the Air Force: first Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) (2005),
first general Metadata Environment (MDE) (2007), first security federation
with the DoD Portal (DKO) (2008-9). Currently he is leading an effort to
analyze DoD and IC efforts for enterprise security patterns, and working in
the DHS space regarding very large EPN (Event Processing Networks). Prior to joining MITRE, Harvey was a Product Manager at Sonic Software for
business process products, as well as a voting member of the OASIS WS BPEL TC
(Business Process Execution Language). Harvey also worked for a Venture
Capital firm evaluating software infrastructure startups. Prior to this Harvey
worked in a variety of product, architectural and enterprise consulting roles. Harvey Reed has a B.S. from Purdue in Pure Math and Computer Science, and an
M.S. from Georgia Tech in Computer and Information Science. He is also the
Marketing Director for the MetroWest Chess Club, the largest chess club in New
Matthew Cooper is VP of Engineering at Event
Zero, a Brisbane based
ISV. Matthew runs the team that is responsible for all aspects of the
development of Event Zero's unique Event Processing Network product
suite as well as being involved in pre and post sales support and
training. He has a varied commercial background in IT ranging from
product and application delivery to systems support.
Peer-to-peer overlay networks are an important new platform for designing large-scale event-based
applications which has a sizable and rapidly growing body of research. This tutorial surveys the key results
and main trends in overlay networks, introduces terminology, and explains the organization of the research
literature. We also describe existing research in using overlay networks for event based processing, and
discuss open issues and research directions.
The focus of this tutorial is to
present the key elements of using peer-to-peer overlay networks to enable global scale event processing
systems. There are many important topics, including: design, performance, security, and management of
large scale overlays; integration of sensor networks and information fusion mechanisms with overlay
networks; load balancing, semantic routing, and service discovery to support advanced applications.
John Buford is a Research Scientist with Avaya Labs Research. Previously he was a Lead
Scientist at the Panasonic Princeton Laboratory, VP of Software Development at Kada Systems,
Director of Internet Technologies at Verizon, and Chief Architect-OSS at GTE Laboratories. Earlier he
was tenured Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell,
where he also directed the Distributed Multimedia Systems Laboratory. He has authored or coauthored
120 refereed publications, 2 books, and is co-editing a forthcoming handbook. He is an IEEE
Senior Member and is co-chair of the IRTF Scalable Adaptive Multicast Research Group. He holds
the PhD from Graz University of Technology, Austria, and MS and BS degrees from MIT.
Last minute cancellation (due to unavailability of presenter caused by visa issues)
Antonio A. F. Loureiro - Dept. of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil (presenter)The fast growth in wireless sensors and actuators have the potential to create a global
computing infrastructure that is profoundly changing the way people live and work.
People may interact with themselves, the physical world, and information services using
a wide range of sensor devices connected together, enabling computing and communication
at an unprecedented scale and density. This new wireless sensor infrastructure
presents a number of challenges especially when it comes to data-intensive applications:
enormous scale, different types of data, varying and intermittent connectivity,
location dependence and context awareness, limited bandwidth and power capacity,
small device size, and multimedia delivery across different networks.
Wireless sensor networks are now evolving from passive observation and reporting
systems to active and reactive systems that dynamically evolve in response to complex
and rapid spatio-temporal events. Upon the occurrence of events of interest, different
network activities and functions start executing, transforming those simple events
into meaningful and sophisticated events to an application. This processing chain includes
localization, synchronization, information fusion, self-organization, power management,
routing, filtering and correlation, query processing, privacy and security, data
mining and knowledge discovery, etc. Furthermore, this processing chain should be
based on event propagation models to accommodate the requirements of sensor applications.
Compared to event processing already existing on distributed systems available on the
Internet, that designed for wireless sensor networks poses unseen challenges due to
limitations in sensor storage, processing, and communication capacities. Adding to the
aforementioned issues is the curse of dimensionality. In practice, due to their sophistication,
sensor events are usually identified by more than one attribute. Management of
multi-dimensional data is already a difficult problem in information systems. Doing so
under the resource constraints of sensor networks is even much harder.
This tutorial aims at presenting a broad view of event processing in wireless sensor
networks in the light of different contexts and backgrounds. The goal is to discuss
the different network activities and functions that are related to event processing in
wireless sensor networks.
Antonio Loureiro is a Professor of Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas
Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from
the University of British Columbia, Canada, 1995. His main research areas are wireless
sensor networks, computer networks, distributed systems, and distributed algorithms.
In the last 10 years he has published over 80 papers in international conferences
and journals. Most of those papers were presented by Professor Loureiro
who has also been the instructor of six tutorials in Brazilian conferences in the last
five years. Since 1996, when he became a faculty member at UFMG, Professor
Loureiro has received seven times the Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award in
Computer Science from the students at the Department of Computer Science. He was
the TPC Chair for LANOMS 2001 (Latin American Network Operations and Management
Symposium, sponsored by IEEE Communications Society) and for the 2005 ACM
Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling.
Event processing in support of data-driven computational science research and education takes multiple forms. In our experience over the past 6 years in developing and supporting the National Science Foundation funded Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD), we have reasoned over the benefits and use of events and event processing systems in multiple contexts. In this tutorial we propose to share the motivations, architectural considerations, research outcomes, and tools used in event processing in the LEAD science supporting cyberinfrastructure. We provide a hands-on experience with the production LEAD portal. We additionally discuss the number of individual tools that have emerged from the project that we support for use in other applications.
Beth Plale is Director of the Center for Data and Search Informatics, within the newly endowed Pervasive Technologies Institute at Indiana University. Her research interests are in data provenance, automated metadata collection and data curation, workflow systems in e-Science, and complex event processing.
Jeff Cox, Chathura Herath, Scott Jensen and Yiming Sun
are PhD
students in the Center for Data and Search Informatics, whose research closely aligns with the material presented in this tutorial.
In the last decade there have been a lot of activities around languages that support event driven applications. A variety of languages have been developed within academic projects; while this continues to be an active area of research, in the last few years commercial products emerge that also feature a variety of language and language styles. This tutorial follows the work done in the EPTS Event Processing Language Analysis Working Group, and is intended to provide insight about the various programming styles and languages; it will also discuss some possibilities towards language standardization
Jon Riecke is a Lead Platform Architect at Aleri Inc. for the Aleri Streaming
Platform. He received his PhD from MIT in 1991 in theoretical computer science,
and held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining
Aleri in 2001, he was a Member of Technical Staff at AT&T/Lucent Bell
Laboratories. Dr. Riecke has authored or co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed
papers in the areas of semantics of programs, functional and object-oriented
programming languages, computer security, and network, and has presented work at
international conferences and served on numerous program committees. At Aleri, he
has been the primary designer and implementer of the stream primitives and the
SPLASH embedded language, and serves as co-chair (with Opher Etzion) of the
EPTS Language Analysis Workgroup.
Opher Etzion is IBM Senior Technical Staff Member, and Event
Processing Scientific Leader in IBM Haifa Research Lab. Previously he has
been lead architect of event processing technology in IBM Websphere, and a
Senior Manager in IBM Research division, managed a department that has
performed one of the pioneering projects that shaped the area of complex event
processing. He is also the chair of EPTS (Event Processing Technical Society),
and is blogging about event processing since August 2007. In parallel he is an
adjunct professor at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He has authored
or co-authored more than 70 papers in refereed journals and conferences, on topics
related to: active databases, temporal databases, rule-base systems, complex event
processing and autonomic computing, and co-authored the book "Temporal
Database - Research and Practice", Springer-Verlag, 1998. Prior to joining IBM in
1997, he has been a faculty member and Founding Head of the Information Systems Engineering department at the Technion, and held professional and
managerial positions in industry and in the Israel Air-Force.
François Bry is a full professor at the Institute for Informatics at
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtät München, heading the research group for
programming and modeling languages. He is currently investigating methods and
applications related to querying answering and reasoning on the Web. In particular he
focuses on query and rule languages for complex events, Web data formats such as
XML and RDF, and social media. Frcois Bry has a research record of over 130
peer-reviewed scientific publications and regularly contributes to scientific
conferences and journals, especially in the areas Web and Semantic Web as reviewer
or program committee chair. Before joining University of Munich in 1994, he
worked with the industry research center ECRC in Munich.
Michael Eckert is a researcher at the Institute for Informatics at Ludwig-
Maximilians- Universtät München in the programming and modeling languages
group. His research interests are Complex Event Processing and reactive languages
for the Web. So far, he has been focused mainly on query languages for complex
events, covering the spectrum from language design over formal semantics to efficient
incremental query evaluation. He has (co-)authored more than 15 peer-reviewed
papers. Before obtaining his PhD from University of Munich in 2008, Michael
studied computer science at University of Munich (1999-2005) and at University of
Washington (2002-2003).
Adrian Paschke is research director at the Centre for Information
Technology Transfer (CITT) GmbH, director of RuleML Inc., vice director of
the Semantics Technologies Institute Berlin (STI Berlin), organizer of the
Berlin Semantic Web Meetup Group and professor at the Freie Universitaet
Berlin (FUB) holding a chair on Corporate Semantic Web. He is
steering-committee chair of the RuleML Web Rule Standardization Initiative
(RuleML), co-chair of the Reaction RuleML technical group, founding member
of the Event Processing Technology Society (EPTS), co-chair of the EPTS
Reference Architecture working group (EPTS RA), voting member of OMG, and
active member of several W3C groups such as the W3C Health Care and Life
Sciences group (W3C HCLS) and the W3C Rule Interchange Format working group
(W3C RIF), where he is editor of the W3C RIF standard and is hosting the W3C
HCLS KB in Berlin. Adrian is/was involved in several national and
international projects such as the EU Network of Excellence REWERSE, EU
STREP Sealife and is currently leading the InnoProfile project Corporate
Semantic Web (BMBF, 2008-2012, 2.3Mio Euro).
Capital markets control the international flow of money and securities. These
systems operate around the clock, processing huge volumes of transactions and
information. Most of this volume can be modeled as events, and as a result capital
markets is the focus of much innovation in Event Processing. Financial services also
receive a lot of attention in the mainstream media, especially lately.
Despite these facts, the use of event processing in the capital markets is largely
invisible to the academic community. Very little has been published by financial
organizations, intent on preserving their competitive advantage. Information is
generally passed by word of mouth, with systems changing faster than they can be documented. Recently though, researchers in event processing along with creators
of commercial event processing platforms have begun to standardize the way in
which systems are built. This knowledge transfer not only improves the software
being used in capital markets; it is an opportunity for event processing researchers
to learn from the practical experience of industry engineers.
The focus of this tutorial will be on areas where practices are standardized, rather
than on the details that confer competitive advantage. We will start by reviewing
capital markets' structure, understanding the participants and products. Then we
will discuss information flows, both transactional and non-transactional, along with
data formats and rates.
We will review messaging protocols and fault tolerance, particularly the FIX
protocol and various market data transmission protocols. Decades of experience
with multi-party distributed systems have built up a lot of interesting tools and
systems, and we will identify opportunities for learning. Time permitting, we will
also discuss the history and future of some of these protocols.
The bulk of the tutorial will be spent discussing applications for event processing
within capital markets. These include market data analysis, order flow management,
pricing, and monitoring. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of these systems
that challenge the capabilities of current systems, or where approaches unfamiliar
to the academic community are common. We will discuss not only Complex Event
Processing/Event Processing Platform (CEP/EPP) implementations, but also other
implementation techniques including distributed transactions, distributed memory
fabrics, and publish/subscribe systems.
Researchers in event processing will learn about a new field of applications and
challenges. Practitioners not familiar with capital markets will learn about
implementation techniques from that field which may be applicable to their work.
Attendees experienced in capital markets may also learn additional techniques or a
new perspective.
Richard Tibbetts is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at StreamBase
Systems. Tibbetts is directly involved in the design and implementation of
the StreamBase Event Processing Platform, including the StreamSQL
programming language and deployment environment. He is also responsible
for the architecture of StreamBase Frameworks for Capital Markets.
Prior to StreamBase, Tibbetts contributed to the Aurora project at Brown
University and the Medusa project at MIT, proposing language extensions to
support real world applications of event processing. He also created the
Linear Road Benchmark for measuring performance of event processing
Tibbetts was a teaching assistant in Software Engineering at MIT and has
given a variety of lectures on software engineering and compilers as part of
the MIT IAP program. At StreamBase, he is responsible for briefing
customers and analysts on Event Processing, and has also guest lectured on
the subject at Harvard University.
Tibbetts earned both his Bachelor of Science in computer science and
engineering and his Master of Engineering degrees at MIT.